Thursday 10 January 2013

Life Drawing Facial anatomy



The first sketch was a quick 15 min sketch of a statue from V&A .of a child. in this sketch I was able to successful illustrate the features of the subject. You can also tell the direction she is facing from the drawing, through the angle of the jaw, distance of the eyes to the nose, angle of the nose and the shading of the sketch.

The second sketch was a 30 min sketch of a man reading a book. In this sketch I think i was successful in portraying the subject. The facial features such as the cheeks, the nose , and eyes are were drawn accurately the wrinkles and shadows around these areas makes the image look realistic. However I think the sketch is unsuccessful in showing the wrinkles underneath the jaw they are too harsh and are exaggerated.

The third sketch was 40 min of a woman sleeping in the bus. In this sketch I was able to accurately draw the facial features of the woman. I think that I was successful in using subtle variation in tonal value to illustrate facial features. the subtle shadow around her cheeks and underneath her eyelids makes it look realistic. However I think the ears in the sketch was unsuccessful  although they are in the right position it only has vague signs of an ears anatomy, it lacks detail of areas such as the anthelix and the concha of the ear.

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