Thursday 10 January 2013

Life Drawing Colour Skin





The first sketch done is pastel to give me the freedom to experiment and blend with colour. the first sketch was successful in showing the form of the subject through the way the colour forms around the subject. However the use of colour is too contrasting in some places, an example is the shadow on the leg seems has a very high  concentration of orange in relation to the rest of the body. Other parts lack the shadows, such as the breast it is unsuccessful in forming the shape of the breast through the use of the colours making it look flat.

The second sketch was more sucessful in the use of pastel, there is a clearer form on the subject, the choice of colour goes well to interpret the skin. the use of yellow and grey for the background seems to harmonise with the skin colour for further emphasis on the light and dark areas of the model's body. 

The third sketch is done in conte crayons, unlike the other two sketches it is inaccurate to the person's skin. I wanted to experiment on how the colours appears in relation to what colours are around them. Although it is in different colours I am still create values of light and dark in the subject making it still look like a face.  However I think it is unsuccessful in blending in the colours in some areas such as the nose, the guidelines of my pencil seems to exaggerate areas unintentionally, such as the nose.

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