Sunday 13 January 2013

Final Still Life Drawing

The sketch has a good use of shadaing to show the texture of the subject, such as the reflectivifty of the onion, the refraction of the wine glass and the opaque texture of the box.

In this sketch I think i was sucessful in portrayining showing the tonal values of certain objects in the sketch. such as the tonal value of the box, and the way its shadow intensifies the shadow of the objects infront of it such as the onion and the apple.

However I think it is unsuccessful in the composition, the still life drawing has no balanced most subject in the drawing are leaning to the left of the page. In addition to this the placement of the subjects in the page is too high there is too much empty space bellow the subject, and not enough above. There is also a lack of background making it look incomplete. It also lacks any suggestive lines around the piece that would lead the eye of the viewer around the page.

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