Thursday 10 January 2013

Facial Expression




The first sketch was a quick 7 min sketch i tried to capture the essence of the expression as quick as I can. I focused on outlining main features of the facial expression that has changed drastically in comparison to a blank expression. I think that this drawing is sucessful in capturing the expression of my face. However it is unsucessful in capturing some of my features accurately, parts of the face such as the left eye being too slanted, and mouth, the tooth especially has too much highlight.

The second sketch 40 min, I struggled alot in trying to capture the my appearance whilst trying to maintain the expression in my face. I think this sketch was successful in showing the main features of the subject.  However i think it is unsuccessful in portraying areas such as the eye lids and the shading bleow the eye lids seem to lack alot of detail. The hair looks very distorted from the angle and the ear is too elevated in comparison to the rest of the facial features.

The third sketch is another 15 min, in this sketch I focused on highlighting the wrinkles, and dents that created the expression in the face. I think this sketch is very successful in capturing the expression of the face, although it is a simple sketch you can identify his expression through exaggeration of the wrinkles around the orbicularis oris and the arched expression around the eyes. However I think it is sucessful in drawing the head, it fails to establish a body for the subject giving it an appearance of a floaring head.

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