Tuesday 15 January 2013

Final Life Drawing

This Final drawing took 1 hour I think this drawing was sucessful in portraying the anatomy of the subject, we are able to see the posture of the body clearly and the way the flesh folds due to her pose. Although it is vague we can indentify a blank expression in her face, throught the subctle indentations done in the face. there is also a good sense of mass throught he use of tone in the drawing we can see a good use of shading around the legs at it is shaddowed by the cloth. There is also a clear indication of how the cloth interacts with the body.

However I think the sketch is unsucessful in drawing the cloth, there is a scribbled area bellow the feet suggesting that the cloth is clumper next to her thigh, but it looks unfinished. There is also slight deformation of the right hand, the wrist seems to be placed too high.

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