Tuesday 15 January 2013

Final Landscape Drawing

I think this drawing is successful in showing the whole image there is a clear indication of a 2 point perspective through out the image. There are also slight indications of detail around the buildings, such as the indentations above the pillar. there is also a good use of shading and impressionsm as the subjects become further away such as the tree, the bushes and the window. There is a good use of the point of interest in the first entrance on the left of the landscape.

However I think this drawing is unsucessful it seems to lack any suggestive lines around the composition of the work. lack of detail on the clouds behind the subject making it look flat. the windows on the main building seems to have a vey monotone shadint making it look unrealistic.

Final Life Drawing

This Final drawing took 1 hour I think this drawing was sucessful in portraying the anatomy of the subject, we are able to see the posture of the body clearly and the way the flesh folds due to her pose. Although it is vague we can indentify a blank expression in her face, throught the subctle indentations done in the face. there is also a good sense of mass throught he use of tone in the drawing we can see a good use of shading around the legs at it is shaddowed by the cloth. There is also a clear indication of how the cloth interacts with the body.

However I think the sketch is unsucessful in drawing the cloth, there is a scribbled area bellow the feet suggesting that the cloth is clumper next to her thigh, but it looks unfinished. There is also slight deformation of the right hand, the wrist seems to be placed too high.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Final Still Life Drawing

The sketch has a good use of shadaing to show the texture of the subject, such as the reflectivifty of the onion, the refraction of the wine glass and the opaque texture of the box.

In this sketch I think i was sucessful in portrayining showing the tonal values of certain objects in the sketch. such as the tonal value of the box, and the way its shadow intensifies the shadow of the objects infront of it such as the onion and the apple.

However I think it is unsuccessful in the composition, the still life drawing has no balanced most subject in the drawing are leaning to the left of the page. In addition to this the placement of the subjects in the page is too high there is too much empty space bellow the subject, and not enough above. There is also a lack of background making it look incomplete. It also lacks any suggestive lines around the piece that would lead the eye of the viewer around the page.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Facial Expression




The first sketch was a quick 7 min sketch i tried to capture the essence of the expression as quick as I can. I focused on outlining main features of the facial expression that has changed drastically in comparison to a blank expression. I think that this drawing is sucessful in capturing the expression of my face. However it is unsucessful in capturing some of my features accurately, parts of the face such as the left eye being too slanted, and mouth, the tooth especially has too much highlight.

The second sketch 40 min, I struggled alot in trying to capture the my appearance whilst trying to maintain the expression in my face. I think this sketch was successful in showing the main features of the subject.  However i think it is unsuccessful in portraying areas such as the eye lids and the shading bleow the eye lids seem to lack alot of detail. The hair looks very distorted from the angle and the ear is too elevated in comparison to the rest of the facial features.

The third sketch is another 15 min, in this sketch I focused on highlighting the wrinkles, and dents that created the expression in the face. I think this sketch is very successful in capturing the expression of the face, although it is a simple sketch you can identify his expression through exaggeration of the wrinkles around the orbicularis oris and the arched expression around the eyes. However I think it is sucessful in drawing the head, it fails to establish a body for the subject giving it an appearance of a floaring head.

Life Drawing Facial anatomy



The first sketch was a quick 15 min sketch of a statue from V&A .of a child. in this sketch I was able to successful illustrate the features of the subject. You can also tell the direction she is facing from the drawing, through the angle of the jaw, distance of the eyes to the nose, angle of the nose and the shading of the sketch.

The second sketch was a 30 min sketch of a man reading a book. In this sketch I think i was successful in portraying the subject. The facial features such as the cheeks, the nose , and eyes are were drawn accurately the wrinkles and shadows around these areas makes the image look realistic. However I think the sketch is unsuccessful in showing the wrinkles underneath the jaw they are too harsh and are exaggerated.

The third sketch was 40 min of a woman sleeping in the bus. In this sketch I was able to accurately draw the facial features of the woman. I think that I was successful in using subtle variation in tonal value to illustrate facial features. the subtle shadow around her cheeks and underneath her eyelids makes it look realistic. However I think the ears in the sketch was unsuccessful  although they are in the right position it only has vague signs of an ears anatomy, it lacks detail of areas such as the anthelix and the concha of the ear.

Life Drawing Colour Skin





The first sketch done is pastel to give me the freedom to experiment and blend with colour. the first sketch was successful in showing the form of the subject through the way the colour forms around the subject. However the use of colour is too contrasting in some places, an example is the shadow on the leg seems has a very high  concentration of orange in relation to the rest of the body. Other parts lack the shadows, such as the breast it is unsuccessful in forming the shape of the breast through the use of the colours making it look flat.

The second sketch was more sucessful in the use of pastel, there is a clearer form on the subject, the choice of colour goes well to interpret the skin. the use of yellow and grey for the background seems to harmonise with the skin colour for further emphasis on the light and dark areas of the model's body. 

The third sketch is done in conte crayons, unlike the other two sketches it is inaccurate to the person's skin. I wanted to experiment on how the colours appears in relation to what colours are around them. Although it is in different colours I am still create values of light and dark in the subject making it still look like a face.  However I think it is unsuccessful in blending in the colours in some areas such as the nose, the guidelines of my pencil seems to exaggerate areas unintentionally, such as the nose.

Life Drawing Drapery




In the first sketch was used with pencil in an attempt for a simplified illustration of cloth I tried to draw the basic in as quick as I can. It is clear that he has a cloth on top of him although very vague.However, the measurements were inaccurate, also the way the cloth interacted with certain objects such as the ball underneath his legs were peculiar and was hard to illustrate.

The second sketch was done with charcoal, for a better understanding of how tone variated in the cloth as it surrounded the body I thought charcoal would be the best medium. I think that it was sucessful in showing where the folds were in the blanket, however some of the folds seem to lack definition. making it look unrealistic. I also failed in placing the whole of my subject in the limitations of the paper making it harder to see which parts of the drapery was relaxed and where more of the tension exists. it is also unsuccessful in showing the material of the drapery.

The third sketch I felt that drawing with pencil was best in doing an unfamiliar subject. I used the cross hatches to illustrate the depth of the fold in my subject. I was also able to create the folds done specifically in the back and the arms seem to work very well in showing where the tension is in the cloth. Although lacking the detail of the material it is able to successfully show how the cloth is interacts with the subject.