Thursday 15 November 2012

Life Drawing

In this Sketch there is a clear  sense of posture and weight on the model. We can also see a good sense of anatomy in the sketch. There is also a forms of lighting and shadow on the model. Although incomplete we can clearly see the gesture.

This sketch is successful in capturing the form of the model, although the level of detail varies from one area of the model to another we can see a clear sense of the posture. There is a good use of foreshortening on the model's left arm although it is vague we can tell its position 

However I think the drawing is unsuccessful in the use of background, although there is a clear attempt to create focal points through the use of multiple horizontal lines, it seems to have been placed in the wrong areas.

Sky Scape




The first sketch was an early in an attempt to understand how to draw the sky, the most obvious colours to illustrate the sky was blue and white. I started the scene having in mind that establishing a sense of distance with in the skyscape is crucial to make it look believable. In an attempt to do these I tried to reduce the size of the clouds as you move lower down on the image. However it was unsuccessful the clouds did reduce in size but the color of the pastel was mixing in too much as I try to be more specific. .There also seems to be an exaggeration in the number of clouds in the image.

The second sketch was done with the use of graphite and chalk.  to further understand the different values in the skyscape I used attempted to illustrate it in grey scale to see how the tone varies in the image as the conditions change. I also included a very low horizon line in the sketch to emphasize the sky.

After understanding a bit more how to construct a sky I went back pastel in an attempt to illustrate the sky with the use of colour. Doing this in a coloured paper helped me to establish the placements scene easier. The sketch is also successful in showing distance, unlike the first sketch I am able to establish a sense of distance through the variation of the skies' tone and size of clouds. There is also an impression of a horizon line in the image, it is not very clear. the sketch could have worked better if i were to place a small fraction of a landscape below the image to coincide with the sky scape.

Still Life 2

a sense of foreshortening

lack of form
lacks detail
no shading

Sunday 28 October 2012

Still life 1

This sketch has a clear form, enabling us to identify the subject and its direction to the viewer. There is also a sense of value in the sketch through the highlights and shadows placed in different areas of the skeleton. We can also see some foreshortening applied to the skeleton from the head to the ribs of the subject. 

I think this drawing is successful in foreshortening, we can see the angle of the skeleton from the viewer showing that it is in an obscure angle. It is also successful in showing the skeletal form of the subject, we can see the posture, and the position of the skeleton as it lies on the table.

However I think it is unsuccessful in replicating the reflective sheets behind the skeleton. The sheets lack the detail to make it look reflective. Even though we can see the lights on the skeleton it is very dim, further emphasis on the different areas of light and dark could have been used to improve illustration.

Landscape 3




The first sketch is done with the use of pastel. In this sketch I used pastel in an attempt to create a generalized form,  of the surrounding, and place minor details in sketch to give it a sense of impressionism. However it did not work out very well I was not able to control the pastel,they blended too easily I smudged in the wrong areas. I was unable to place even the smallest detail without it being erased. There is also a very huge contrast between the colours making it look discontinued as it reaches the horizon line. This sketch was very unsuccessful due to the lack of knowledge of the material

The second sketch I tried to stick with pastel use ink pens at the same time.There was an improvement, although very little. It is very vague we can see minor details with in the land scape, such as the tower and the buildings. There is also a good use of space, the empty space at the top of the image tells us where the horizon line exists. There are also an attempt of implied detail in the image, through the use of straight lines to suggest the existence of buildings, however it is too vague and lacks perspective making the buildings look very flat.     

In the third sketch I switched to a more familiar medium (graphite). I think this sketch is more successful in-comparison to the other 2.  I think there is a clear attempt impressionism through the use of quick block squares to imply the existance of buildings in specific areas. the size of the buildings and detail of the buildings decreases as you move up giving us the impression of distance in the image. It is also successful in showing the horizon line, enabling us to distinguish the sky from the buildings in the distance. However I think this drawing would be more successful if I were able to use colour for a better form of impressionism through the use of light and color and how it interacts dependent on the colours around it and it distance from me.

Landscape 2




The first sketch is an attempt to draw a hospital building, I attempted to draw and block out each shape to simplify the drawing. rather than experimenting with the materials I tried to experiment with my technique. by simplifying the shapes and keeping the rules of perspective in mind I was able to draw the building easier.However the areas of interest with in the drawing such as the door, and its roof seems to break the 2 point perspective of the building making it look very inaccurate in some areas.

In the second drawing I avoided getting onto the details of atrium. I decided to focus more on experimentation with materials (Pro marker and ink pens). Whilst trying to find a new approach to interpreting the building I was able to block out the buildings through the use simple shapes and. I was also able create a sense of light and shadow through the use of color variation dependent on which area of the building was interacting with the light. Although it was successful in simplifying the landscape it does not have a good sense of 2 point perspective, bad composition and focal point.

Due to how unsuccessful the second sketch turned out I attempted to use the same technique, whilst keeping the basic principles in mind.
In this sketch you can see a good form of a 2 point perspective. There is a clear focus on the buildings behind the arc. Although they are smaller the vibrant colours used on the buildings seems to suggest that they are the main focal point on this work. You can also see a clear patter on the arc which implicates that the texture of the material is reflective.

I think this drawing is successful in capturing the form of the building with the smallest amount of detail. It is also successful in distinguishing the distance from the viewer through he use of perspective and shading. The detail in the structure is becoming more and more obscure as the objects are further away from the viewer, showing a good sense of depth with in the drawing.

However I think this drawing is unsuccessful in accuracy, although the difference in colours enable us to distinguish between it is inaccurate. The tonal shading on the building is too harsh in some areas. such as the top of the arch.

Landscape 1


The first sketch is draft thumbnail of different compositions inside the cathedral. In order to help me finalize which area i would like to spend time working, I used thumbnails to enable me to find a good vantage point in a short amount of time. Whilst finding a good vantage point took factors such as areas of interests into consideration. Also if there is a possibility of implementing an imaginary line that could may draw the audience to the sketch. In doing so I felt that thumbnail that the bottom right thumbnail had the most potential in all 4 sketches.

In this sketch you can see a clear focus on the arc towards the left. The depletion of detail as you move further away from the arc suggests that this is the focal point on this work.There is also an obvious difference in tonal shading dependent on the location, this could suggest that the area is darker or simply an emphasis on the structure of the subject.

I think this drawing is successful outlining the architectural design of the location. Although very obscure you can see a clear form of composition, the drawing creates a sense of 3-dimensions through the use of fore ground (floors) mid ground (arcs) background ( stairs).Implied lines can be seen starting from the rails of the stairs leading to the arc from the left.

However I think this drawing is unsuccessful in capturing the technical side of the structure. The sketch has a vague outline of the structure but unsuccessful in clarifying, each edge, corner and step.Also the sketch has a lack in value to represent the light source in the drawing.