Sunday 28 October 2012

Landscape 3




The first sketch is done with the use of pastel. In this sketch I used pastel in an attempt to create a generalized form,  of the surrounding, and place minor details in sketch to give it a sense of impressionism. However it did not work out very well I was not able to control the pastel,they blended too easily I smudged in the wrong areas. I was unable to place even the smallest detail without it being erased. There is also a very huge contrast between the colours making it look discontinued as it reaches the horizon line. This sketch was very unsuccessful due to the lack of knowledge of the material

The second sketch I tried to stick with pastel use ink pens at the same time.There was an improvement, although very little. It is very vague we can see minor details with in the land scape, such as the tower and the buildings. There is also a good use of space, the empty space at the top of the image tells us where the horizon line exists. There are also an attempt of implied detail in the image, through the use of straight lines to suggest the existence of buildings, however it is too vague and lacks perspective making the buildings look very flat.     

In the third sketch I switched to a more familiar medium (graphite). I think this sketch is more successful in-comparison to the other 2.  I think there is a clear attempt impressionism through the use of quick block squares to imply the existance of buildings in specific areas. the size of the buildings and detail of the buildings decreases as you move up giving us the impression of distance in the image. It is also successful in showing the horizon line, enabling us to distinguish the sky from the buildings in the distance. However I think this drawing would be more successful if I were able to use colour for a better form of impressionism through the use of light and color and how it interacts dependent on the colours around it and it distance from me.

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