Sunday 28 October 2012

Still life 1

This sketch has a clear form, enabling us to identify the subject and its direction to the viewer. There is also a sense of value in the sketch through the highlights and shadows placed in different areas of the skeleton. We can also see some foreshortening applied to the skeleton from the head to the ribs of the subject. 

I think this drawing is successful in foreshortening, we can see the angle of the skeleton from the viewer showing that it is in an obscure angle. It is also successful in showing the skeletal form of the subject, we can see the posture, and the position of the skeleton as it lies on the table.

However I think it is unsuccessful in replicating the reflective sheets behind the skeleton. The sheets lack the detail to make it look reflective. Even though we can see the lights on the skeleton it is very dim, further emphasis on the different areas of light and dark could have been used to improve illustration.

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