Sunday 28 October 2012

Landscape 1


The first sketch is draft thumbnail of different compositions inside the cathedral. In order to help me finalize which area i would like to spend time working, I used thumbnails to enable me to find a good vantage point in a short amount of time. Whilst finding a good vantage point took factors such as areas of interests into consideration. Also if there is a possibility of implementing an imaginary line that could may draw the audience to the sketch. In doing so I felt that thumbnail that the bottom right thumbnail had the most potential in all 4 sketches.

In this sketch you can see a clear focus on the arc towards the left. The depletion of detail as you move further away from the arc suggests that this is the focal point on this work.There is also an obvious difference in tonal shading dependent on the location, this could suggest that the area is darker or simply an emphasis on the structure of the subject.

I think this drawing is successful outlining the architectural design of the location. Although very obscure you can see a clear form of composition, the drawing creates a sense of 3-dimensions through the use of fore ground (floors) mid ground (arcs) background ( stairs).Implied lines can be seen starting from the rails of the stairs leading to the arc from the left.

However I think this drawing is unsuccessful in capturing the technical side of the structure. The sketch has a vague outline of the structure but unsuccessful in clarifying, each edge, corner and step.Also the sketch has a lack in value to represent the light source in the drawing. 

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