Thursday 15 November 2012

Sky Scape




The first sketch was an early in an attempt to understand how to draw the sky, the most obvious colours to illustrate the sky was blue and white. I started the scene having in mind that establishing a sense of distance with in the skyscape is crucial to make it look believable. In an attempt to do these I tried to reduce the size of the clouds as you move lower down on the image. However it was unsuccessful the clouds did reduce in size but the color of the pastel was mixing in too much as I try to be more specific. .There also seems to be an exaggeration in the number of clouds in the image.

The second sketch was done with the use of graphite and chalk.  to further understand the different values in the skyscape I used attempted to illustrate it in grey scale to see how the tone varies in the image as the conditions change. I also included a very low horizon line in the sketch to emphasize the sky.

After understanding a bit more how to construct a sky I went back pastel in an attempt to illustrate the sky with the use of colour. Doing this in a coloured paper helped me to establish the placements scene easier. The sketch is also successful in showing distance, unlike the first sketch I am able to establish a sense of distance through the variation of the skies' tone and size of clouds. There is also an impression of a horizon line in the image, it is not very clear. the sketch could have worked better if i were to place a small fraction of a landscape below the image to coincide with the sky scape.

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